Pastor Mary
Most know me by Mom, (the biggest and greatest title ever) and now I am also blessed to be called Nana. To say my cup runneth over is an under statement. I was born and raised in the south. My parents, both ministers of the gospel, not only raised but trained me from a very young age to be part of God's army. I am blessed to have a relationship with God and know Him to be so real. A few years ago the voice of the Lord called me to pastor and it has been the most amazing journey I have ever been on. God is first in anything that I do . I couldn't be a mom, wife or leader without Him. I love interacting and being a part of our youth group, watching the Joshua generation arise. Praise and worship is a huge part of my life. Every day is meant to praise our creator. I love baking, cooking, Christmas and Thanksgiving and watching my son play football; mostly because they are family times. I Love sitting with my children, and now grandchildren. Hearing the laughter is music to my ears. I enjoy getting to spend time with my husband talking over the scriptures and doing wood working projects. God has blessed me beyond measure and gave me hope when all was lost and set a fire in my heart. I now humbly answer that call to give others hope.
John - Elder
First I would like to ask "Do you know Jesus?". If not, I would love to tell you about Him. I have always been a little rough and hard, but God tore down my walls and set me free, and I'm excited to share that with everyone. I have served in the U.S. Marine Corps and have a heart for our veterans. I enjoy cook outs with my kids and grandkids, but I also just enjoy when my wife cooks. I love old cars and Harley's ... praying God works a bike group into our plan. What would be more awesome then rolling for Jesus. I enjoy small wood working projects around my house. The greatest call I've ever had as a man is to lead my family as God commands. -
Mike - Deacon
Mike - Deacon
Bob - Praise & Worship leader
Bob - Praise & Worship leader
Steve - praise team
Steve - praise team
Sarah - praise team/youth leader
Sarah - praise team
Rebecca- praise team
Hi. My name is Rebecca, but I like to be called Becky. My favorite pastime is to snuggle my 2 dogs, Mika and Bear. I also like to dance and sing. Worshipping is just who I am.
Jacob - rising Youth Pastor
Jacob currently attends King’s College and loves football.
Jason - youth leader
Jason - youth leader
Amy - rising youth leader
Hi, I’m Amy. If the Bluey tv show is on, you'll catch me in front of the screen. I love to be in my garden and with my chickens or playing with the children. I have always had a passion for teaching. I am working in a daycare and enjoy every day. Im in the last year of high school and just started my college classes. I have earned my Child Development Associate Certificate (CDA) through the Early Childhood Education program at CIT. As my brother has been away for college, I have stepped into a leadership role to help lead the God Squad. As our church continues to grow , I am excited to see our children’s ministry take shape again, as that is where my heart truly is.
Anthony - Deacon
Changed is an understatment to what God can do. When I look back at who I was, it is hard to believe where I am now. It has always been heavy on my heart to support and help the new believer grow, and not only know Gods word but know how to put it in action. Someone stopped and took the time to help me grow and now I am called to help others. I enjoy spending time with the family God has given me. I love to joke and laugh. The bible does say the joy of the Lord is our strength. I continue to be a work in progress as we all are and now I know there is a hope in Jesus.